MDView Featured in Radiology Today Article About the Benefits of a Radiology Second Opinion

MDView was highlighted in the cover story of the August/September Issue of Radiology Today focused on radiology second opinion services. Radiology Today newsmagazine reaches 40,000 radiology professionals nationwide on a monthly basis. The article reviewed the MDView platform, process, and benefits in interviews with MDView's founder and CEO, Tracy Amato, and MDView's Medical Director, Dr. Sunil Kini. 

The article discusses how more options are becoming available for patients to be their own advocates and to get a second opinion when they want to know more information about what is seen in their imaging. The article dives into how MDView is giving patients access to specialized radiologists and the importance of providing the radiologist context to your medical condition via the MDView platform to receive a more comprehensive report.

To read the full article, click here:

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