Frequently Asked Questions
Interested in a Radiology Second Opinion? Read our FAQ to Learn More About How to Get a Second Opinion Today!
Very often the MDView report will contain new or additional findings that were not reported in the original diagnostic report. This is due to a large number of factors including the following:
Your MDView report was completed by an expert radiologist who specializes in your exact imaging exam.
The radiologists in MDView spend more time reviewing your case details and medical documents you provided when reviewing your exam.
The radiologist in MDView was able to hear in your own words what your clinical symptoms and concerns are via your answers in the second opinion questionnaire.
When your second opinion report is different from your original report, you need to bring your report to your physician team to review and they may make changes to your treatment plan accordingly. In some cases, it may be necessary to get immediate treatment of the new findings and you will be advised to do that via the report. If you chose to opt-out of sharing the report with your physician at the time of submitting for a second opinion review, MDView can help share the report with your doctors.
Once you've submitted your exam, your report will be ready in 72-hours or less (rarely a bit longer if your chosen radiologist(s) has a conflict, but we will communicate with you about that and give you options on how to proceed). Once your second opinion report is ready, you will receive an email notification and you can log into your MDView account to view or download your expert second opinion report. If you need the report faster, many radiologists offer an expedited report, which is ready within 24- hours (subject to availability).
If the imaging facility provided you with a CD and you have a CD drive in your computer or you have an external CD drive, great! Just pop the CD in the drive and click Create Study in your MDView account. Choose the Upload Now option and then click Browse, which will open your computer's file system. Click on the CD/DVD drive and click Upload. The MDView system will scan all files to find the DICOM image files on the CD. If more than one exam exists in the CD, we will display all found exams. Choose the exam you want to have a radiology second opinion report for, and click Accept and Continue upload. Then, just follow the steps in the Create Study workflow to submit your radiology exam for an expert second opinion from a specialized radiologist who is an expert in your exact exam!
MDView can get your exams from the imaging facility or hospital at no cost! Most facilities can send us the exam electronically, typically within 2 business days. Rarely, some facilities can only mail us a CD, and in those cases, we request a STAT delivery. To have us get your exams for you, just click on the Have MDView Get My Exam button on the homepage of your MDView account, and complete the electronic signature form. As soon as we received the form, we will let you know if we can get them electronically. Once we have the images, we will upload them to your MDView account and let you know that you can proceed with submitting your exam for a second opinion report. In the meantime, we encourage you to click Create Study, and choose the Skip Upload option. You can complete the information,
select your radiologist(s), and fill out the questionnaire to provide your selected radiologist with context about your condition and your concerns.Once we have your exam, we will upload it to the study you've started and let you know so all you need to do is submit!
If you want full and complete reports on different imaging exams, then you will need to upload each exam separately and submit to get a full report. However, if you have multiple imaging exams of the same area examined, for example, to get an abdominal CT second opinion, you should upload the most recent abdomen CT first as the main exam of the study. This is the exam the radiologist will do a full and complete report on. Then, later in the Create Study workflow, you can add prior exams in the Priors add-on screen. You can only add exams that were done prior to the most recent, and they must be of the same area examined. Once the radiologist has done their initial review of the current exam, they will then look to your prior exams to note any changes in the new findings as they appeared in the priors, or note areas of interest in the priors that have improved or have been eliminated in the current exam.
Yes, we have many Prenuvo second opinion requests and Ezra second opinion requests come through. However, you should check how to download the images from your Prenuvo portal to ensure that you are able to download each "exam' type. In MDView, we match your exact exam with radiologists who are specialists in MRI second opinions on the body part or region that was examined. So, a neuroradiologist will give a second opinion on your brain MRI or a second opinion on your spine MRI, a body imaging specialist will give a second opinions for pelvis MRI or second opinions on abdomen MRIs. Musculoskeletal radiologists may give second opinions on spine MRIs or second opinions on Prenuvo MRIs of the extremities.
Typically, MRIs of the spine are done as three separate exams. While the Lumbar Spine MRI, Thoracic Spine MRI, and Cervical Spine MRI may have all been done at the same appointment, they are actually performed as three separate exams in most cases. This requires a separate spine second opinion report for each section of the spine. You will need to create a study for each spine section, and then submit to your selected radiologist(s) to get a detailed report for each area of the spine.