HealthCentral, a leading medical editorial site and newsletter with nearly 4 million monthly visitors, published an article that examined the necessity and accessibility of getting a second opinion. HealthCentral's focus is to provide real-life advice, medically vetted articles, and inspirational stories to help patients make informed decisions about their care.
The article focuses on some shocking statistics, including how one in two diagnoses is wrong and that 58% of patients who sought second opinions received different-enough diagnoses the second time resulting in profoundly different treatment plans and health outcomes. Additionally, at least one in 20 US adults are being affected by diagnostic errors.
HealthCentral provided a list of virtual second opinion resources, and included MDView in the list, noting that many of the in person second opinion programs can be costly for patients, even before adding in the cost of travel, child care, and the hospital system fees.
Read the full article here: