Why Getting a Second Opinion on Your Radiology Exam Could Save Your Life

Radiology exams are the foundation of nearly any medical condition that you or a loved one may encounter. Whether you're dealing with a potential fracture, a suspicious lump, or an ongoing chronic condition, the images from a radiology exam can be pivotal in determining your treatment plan. However, what many patients don't realize is that radiology reports are not always complete or even accurate. Getting a second opinion on your radiology exam might just be one of the best decisions you can make for your health. 

Radiologists are highly trained professionals, but they are also human and can make mistakes. A study published in the Journal of the American College of Radiology found that radiology error rates range from 3% to 5% on average. However, in certain complex cases, the error rate can be as high as 30% or more. These errors can include missed diagnoses, incorrect assessments, or incomplete reports that fail to capture all relevant information.
Even a small error in interpreting a radiology exam can have significant consequences. For example, a missed fracture could lead to improper healing, or a misinterpreted chest CT might delay the diagnosis of lung cancer. Your specialist depends on the information in the report to be accurate and complete, and that's why getting a second opinion can be so valuable.

Benefits of a Second Opinion
Reduced Risk of Misdiagnosis:
A second opinion can help catch errors or omissions that might have been made in the initial report. This is especially important for complex cases, where the interpretation of the images might not be straightforward.
Access to Specialized Expertise: Not all radiologists are equally experienced in all areas of radiology. A second opinion from a specialist who is more familiar with your specific condition can provide a more accurate interpretation.
Confirmation of the Diagnosis: Even if the second opinion confirms the initial diagnosis, this can provide peace of mind and confidence in your treatment plan.
Improved Treatment Planning: A second opinion might offer additional insights that can help your healthcare team develop a more effective treatment plan, particularly if there are different options available.

The importance of second opinions is the subject of many studies. One study from the Mayo Clinic found that 88% of patients who sought a second opinion for a complex diagnosis received a new or refined diagnosis. Additionally, a study published in The BMJ found that in 12% of cases, the second opinion was so different from the first that it led to a change in the patient's treatment plan.
A study published in the Journal of Clinical Oncology reported that second opinions on MRI scans for cancer diagnosis led to a change in interpretation in up to 37% of cases. This often influenced treatment decisions, such as whether to pursue surgery, radiation, or other therapies.

When Should You Get a Second Opinion?
It’s never a bad time to get a second opinion. Even on relatively straightforward cases, having a specialized radiologist review your imaging can provide more detailed information to your specialists. In some instances, a second opinion should always be considered. This includes:
Complex or Rare Conditions: If you have a condition that is not commonly seen or is particularly complex, a second opinion can ensure that nothing is missed.
Inconsistent or Unclear Results: If your symptoms don't match the findings in your radiology report, or if the report is ambiguous, it's worth seeking a second opinion.
Significant Health Decisions: If the radiology report will heavily influence a major treatment decision, such as surgery or cancer treatment, a second opinion can provide added assurance.
To Avoid Repeat Imaging: It’s not uncommon for physicians to order repeat imaging when they are unhappy with the quality or level of detail in the radiology report. Having a specialized radiologist review the original images can save time and money.
Personal Peace of Mind: If you simply want confirmation before proceeding with treatment, a second opinion can provide the reassurance you need.

With MDView, you can submit your images and reports electronically for a virtual second opinion from an expert radiologist. When you submit your exam, you have the ability to include your physician’s email address so they too can receive your completed expert opinion report and have online access to your imaging exam in a diagnostic viewer.
The radiologists available to connect with patients in the MDView platform have a desire to work with patients to offer peace of mind through an expert second opinion report. Radiologists are invited to the platform based on their expertise and experience and granted privileges to read only the types of exams they have focused their careers reviewing. Additionally, radiologists can choose the exact types of exams they want to read in MDView, based on their proficiency and expertise in specific areas of radiology. 

Get a Second Opinion with MDView Today
In medicine, accuracy is everything, and radiology is no exception. While radiologists strive to provide precise and comprehensive reports, the reality is that errors and omissions can happen. By seeking a second opinion with MDView, you can reduce the risk of misdiagnosis by having virtual access to specialized expertise and ensure that you have the most accurate information available to guide your treatment. A second opinion on your radiology exam is an investment in your health and well-being that can offer peace of mind and potentially life-saving insights.
Be your own advocate and take control of your health by getting a second opinion on your radiology exam with MDView. It’s a decision that could make a significant difference in your diagnosis and treatment. Don't hesitate to ask for a second look—your health is worth it.

Visit https://app.mdview.com to register for an account and get started today. Don't have your imaging available to upload? No problem! MDView can get your images from the facility that performed the exam, typically within 24-48 hours. Just complete the Have MDView Get My Exam form in your MDView account. 

How Do I Get My Medical Records?
How MDView can get your medical imaging exams for you quickly